Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Mary Daly Radical Feminist Thoughts Research Paper

Mary Daly Radical Feminist Thoughts - Research Paper Example Her first publication â€Å"The Church and the Second Sex† resulted in her termination as a lecturer. Daly’s second publication was â€Å"Beyond God the Father† in this publication, she portrays God as a substantive subject. In her publications, she follows Paul Tillich example who is known for his foundational work in feminist theology. Her third book published in 1978 â€Å"The Metaethics of Radical Feminism† shows how men throughout history aim at oppressing women. In some of her publications, she gives some of the chants that can be used by women to free themselves from oppression. With this, this research paper gives the ancient/ classical sources that Daly uses in building her arguments about feminism. The essay will also give the themes that Daly uses. Lastly, how the themes are influential in the contemporary world. In her publications, Daly uses Biblical historical tales for instance the Genesis and the fall into freedom. By using these tales, she portrays how religion has created inequalities between Saxes by different destructive religious patterns. In her publication, she argues that, women are supposed to rule men. The Biblical historical tales are well illustrated in her publication â€Å"Tillich’s Theological Influence on Mary Daly†. This work of art gives the thought process of the radical theologian feminist Mary Daly. Daly interacts with Tillich’s idea to bring out the aspect of feminism. In this publication, Daly had different opinions on Tillich’s sexual life especially concerning her wife Hannah (Lyon1). Daly writes that Tillich expresses a form of religious doublethink, which makes him to be deceived hence self-acceptance. In analyzing Tillich’s life Daly does not explicitly connect the power of the Supreme Being to sexual oppression. This text il lustrates Tillich’s theological influence and ideas in building her argument on feminism and how women are oppressed. In Daly’s book â€Å"Beyond God the Father: Towards a Philosophy of Women’s Liberation†, the author brings out different themes concerning women's liberation. In this book, she portrays the feminist spiritual program that she believes that it is of great help to women. This is by how she believes that women should take a place in the current patriarchal religious thus creating a strong foundation of feminist theology. All this is aimed towards women's liberation. In this book, Daly portrays how God is the only static and authoritarian male figure. She clearly shows how father figure has led to the subjugation of women (Daly 1986). This is because most people believe that, the father is the backbone of the systems of symbols. She further claims that religious subjugation results to the subjugation of all other areas in life social, politica l, and economic. Because of this, she states that, the feminist spiritual revolution will replace the traditional concept of feminism. Daly says that women are supposed to realize their own potential to overcome male domination (Daly 1986). She says that women should be ready to ensure that they do away with all socially sanctioned women abuses, such as female circumcision. The second book, which contains different themes of great help in this research paper, is â€Å"The Church and the Second Sex†. This book uses biblical accounts to portray the role of women in the society. It shows how women are able to survive in servitude. In this book, she shows how women feel that they are in a homeless world owned by only women (Daly 1). The writer also shows how Jesus treated a woman that is the relationship between women and Jesus. In the New Testament, women are portrayed as persons, which clearly contrasts with the modern

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